There are not many true blues in the natural world. Whether these delphiniums qualify is up to you. I hope they make you as happy as they make me; they’ve been grand companions in the house, as I finish up another edit of my novel. Along with these homemade chocolate chip …
One word for today: gratitude. Okay, a few more. A weekend in the big city, and I got to see my first Western Tanager. Still discovering the west coast and its inhabitants, even after nearly 20 years. What have you discovered today?
My daughter, raised thus far in a non-denominational, Mother Earth-loving family, has been going around singing “Happy Re-birthday to You” today. Whatever your beliefs, Happy Easter.
Spring, wherefore art thou? The tulips won’t open their mouths. The air smells sweet but I’m still in mittens. However, I did find myself very close to a mama robin on her nest this week, and it gave me hope. For all you writers out there, sitting on your stories …
It’s April, and the rain won’t stop. And what do April showers bring? May yoga/writing workshops. Click the link to see the poster for this class I’m co-facilitating.
I am excited to be updating my website, to be writing in virtual ink, to be alive and well and creating every day. Whether it’s a spelling list or a recipe or a novel, words are what make me tick. What have you made today? Your bed? A mess? A promise? A …